Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Save Tirana International FIlm Festival Petition
For second year in a row the Ministry of Tourism Culture Youth and Sports refused to finance Tirana International Film Festival (TIFF), ignoring the petition in support of this festival signed by over 500 celebrities and well known personalities working in the movie industry.
Dear Minister, we cannot do the same, obliged to accomplish our mission, we are going to pursue in our way thanking all the supporters to whom we dedicated the continuity of the 6th edition of Tirana International Film Festival.
Welcome to TIFF’s 6th edition wishing a successful festival to all competitors, participants and supporters.
Titullari i Kultures Pango grabit Artin
Ja se si gënjen ministri Pango me projektet. Më poshtë shkruhet për një miratim të projektit që ka të bëjë me TIFF, kur në fakt nga organizatorët pohohet që nuk kanë marrë asnjë mbështetje.
Projektet e miratuara nga Këshilli Artistik pranë MTKRS, për periudhën Janar-Dhjetor 2008.
Shoqata Albanian Art Institute, me drejtor Ilir Butka, ka paraqitur projektin me titull:” “Tirana International Film Festival”. Qëllimi i këtij projekti është që gjatë një jave të zhvillimit të TIFF, Tirana të shndërrohet në një forum artistik ndërkombëtarë. Slogani i këtij aktiviteti është “Mendojmë ndryshe, shohim njësoj”.
Flet programuesi i “Tirana International Film Festival”, Genc Përmeti
Titullari i Kulturës Pango grabit artin
Intervistoi: Julia Vrapi
Edhe këtë vit në muajin dhjetor pritet të zhvillohet në vendin tonë një prej evenimenteve më të rëndësishme kinematografike “Tirana International Film Festival”. Tashmë ky eveniment për vlerat që sjell, është renditur përkrah shumë festivaleve me përmasa botërore. Këtë vit nga organizatorët e tij është menduar, që të jenë të ftuar dhe shumë personalitete të kinematografisë botërore si Abel Ferrara, Aleksandre Rocquell, Brandon Cole, Williem Dafo, Paolo Sorentino, Alejandro Jodorowski etj. Por fatkeqësisht edhe pse tashmë është një prej eventeve më të rëndësishme, i cili përcjell vlera në kinematografi, ai është braktisur nga Ministria e Kulturës, e cila edhe këtë vit nuk e mbështet financiarisht. Të ndodhur në këtë gjendje organizatorët e saj, po përballen me shumë vështirësi për të realizuar këtë festival. Por nga ana tjetër të habit fakti, se nga MTKRS po mbështeten disa aktivitete, të cilat kanë hije dyshimi mbi zhvillimin e tyre, dhe nëse janë zhvilluar brenda rregullave. Në një kohë kur titullari Ylli Pango deklaron me gënjeshtra se po mbështet aktivitete kulturore, që tashmë kanë krijuar traditë në vend, nga ana tjetër kemi një braktisje të këtyre evenimenteve. Por ajo që të çudit më tepër janë dhe mashtrimet që bëhen në faqen zyrtare, për mbështetje projektesh nga MTKRS. Në një intervistë dhënë për gazetën,Genc Përmeti,programues i TIFF, rrëfen mbi edicionin e gjashtë të këtij festivali, por dhe mashtrimet që janë bërë nga titullari i kulturës Ylli Pango.
-Këtë vit TIFF, zbret në edicionin e tij të gjashtë. Mund të na zbuloni disa nga surprizat e këtij edicioni,dhe cilët janë disa nga emrat e kinematografisë botërore që pritet të marrin pjesë?
Këtë vit në edicionin e tij të gjashtë Festivali i Filmit “Tirana International Film Festival” do të zhvillohet nga data 1-7 dhjetor. Për herë të parë në një eveniment kinematografik shqiptar, ne mendojmë të kemi emra të mëdhenj, duke filluar nga Abel Ferrara, Aleksandre Rocquell, Brandon Cole, Williem Dafo, Paolo Sorentino, Alejandro Jodoroëski, i biri i babait te kinemase Spanjolle Luis Bunuell vjen si konkurrues në edicionin e gjashtë të TIFF-it, me një nga filmat e tij, por njëkohësisht edhe si prezantues i njërit prej 10 filmave më të njohur në historinë e kinemasë. Kemi dhe një surprizë për kinemanë shqiptare, pasi është një film ku interpreton i biri i të madhit Xhim Belushi, që vjen si kompetitor në këtë edicion të gjashtë të TIFF. Unë do të theksoja, që nuk janë thjesht vetëm këta të ftuarit, që do të jenë prezent në Shqipëri, por dhe në kompeticionin ndërkombëtar ne kemi vërtetë një kompeticion që asnjëherë nuk e kishim menduar që do të ishte kaq i fuqishëm. Në këtë kompeticion ne kemi tre kandidatët për “Oscar”, për filmin e shkurtër më të mirën në vitin 2008. Dy fituesit e festivalit të “Lokarnos”, si dhe disa nga emrat më të mëdhenj që ekzistojnë sot në filmin e shkurtër dhe atë dokumentar. Kudo festival që ato do të merrnin pjesë, do të ishin fitues. Kjo e bën që të jetë Tirana një vend shumë atraktiv jo vetëm për filmin e shkurtër, por dhe për arenën kinematografike në rajon por edhe në Evropë.
-Ç’mund të na thoni për filmat pjesëmarrës në edicionin e gjashtë të TIFF?
Deri tani kanë ardhur mbi 800 filma nga 67 vende të ndryshme të botës. Me kënaqësi shohim që kemi prurje të madhe filmash nga autorët e rinj shqiptarë, për të cilët nuk mund të them një numër të saktë, sepse na vijnë çdo ditë. Ka filma nga Kosova dhe Maqedonia. Është për t’u përshëndetur fakti, se një pjesë e filmave janë xhiruar kohët e fundit dhe disa prej tyre janë me financime të QKK. Kemi vënë re, që çdo ditë dhe më shumë po i jepet prioritet zhanrit të filmit të shkurtër. Rritja e numrit të filmave, përmirëson dhe cilësinë e tyre. Në edicionin e parë ishin vetëm 7-8 filma shqiptarë të shkurtër, ndërsa sot ne e kalojmë numrin 50 të filmave të shkurtër shqiptarë. Kjo tregon zhvillim, jo vetëm në aspektin sasior por dhe cilësor të kinemasë shqiptare.
-Sa jeni mbështetur nga ana financiare për edicionin e gjashtë të TIFF?
Ne këtë vit kemi një problem me financat tona. Mund të them, që janë pothuajse të boshatisura për ti krijuar mundësinë këtyre emrave që përmenda më lart, që të vijnë në Tiranë, megjithëse ne po mundohemi për të bërë të mundur ardhjen e tyre në TIFF. Ne po mundohemi me sakrificat tona, pasi kjo është një sfidë, jo thjesht personale për ne, por për të gjithë kineastët, që të jenë pranë këtyre emrave, që të prezantohen dhe të konfrontohen me këto vepra artistike. Por me një zhgënjim shumë të thellë, po shohim braktisjen që i ka bërë Ministria e Kulturës këtij evenimenti kinematografik. Por unë nuk e kam fjalën thjesht për këtë eveniment, por e kam më tepër për artin dhe kulturën në vendin tonë. Kishim eksperiencën më të hidhur para disa javësh, që ishte braktisja nga ana e MTKRS për të bërë të mundur ardhjen e Peter Brook, që është një nga emrat më të mëdhenj të teatrit botëror për të qenë prezent në vendin tonë me tre shfaqjet e tij, por kjo nuk u realizua sepse nga Ministria e Kulturës nuk u aprovua asnjë fond. Nga ana tjetër ne kemi parë që nga ky institucion ministror janë vlerësuar disa aktivitete, që na kanë çuditur. Në prononcimin e fundit, që pati ministria për ato evenimente që lidhen me teatrin dhe filmin, u prononcua që nuk do të mbështesë asnjë lloj festivali filmi, pasi këtë duhet ta marrë përsipër Qendra Kombëtare e Kinematografisë. Por nga ana tjetër, papritur e pa kujtuar, disa ditë më parë bën një aktivitet në qytetin e Fierit, që nuk u mor vesh se si u bë dhe aprovon një fond, për të cilin mund të ishte sjellë dhe një emër si Peter Brook, që të bënte histori në teatrin shqiptar, apo të vinte Xhim Belushi me të gjithë të birin që të bënte prezantimin e parë ndërkombëtar, sepse ai ka fituar një sërë çmimesh në Amerikë, por që do të ishte përfaqësimi i tij i parë në Evropë, që do të shoqërohej nga i ati, apo emra të mëdhenj si Abel Ferrarra etj, për të cilët tani jemi duke gërmuar për të gjetur mundësitë e sjelljes së këtyre personaliteteve në vendin tonë. Kjo gjë na ka shkaktuar një telash të madh, sepse ne vetë si organizatorë nuk jemi në gjendje të japim një përgjigje që t’i themi nëse do jua presim apo jo biletën. Të ulet vlera e një festivali në vlerën e biletave, kjo për ne është një tradhti që i bëhet artit. Mund të them, që arritja më e madhe që zoti Ylli Pango ka arritur deri më sot është ndarja në dy kate e sallës së koncerteve gjë që me krenari e shpreh për spotet televizive. Personalisht nuk do guxoja ta bëjë një hap të tillë pasi kjo masakër arkitekturore në emër të përfitimit të sipërfaqeve mund të krijojë premisat (që zotnaruaj), Papa të vendoste një ditë prej ditësh ta bënte cappella sistinen me gjashtë kate dhe te kishte goxha salla.
-Në faqe zyrtare të MTKRS është shkruar se ju jeni mbështetur për këtë projekt. Ku qëndron e vërteta e këtij dokumenti?
Ne pamë në faqen zyrtare të MTKRS, që projekti i “Tirana International Film Festival” në edicionin e gjashtë është aprovuar nga bordi që është ngritur pranë këtij institucioni për pranimin e aktiviteteve kulturore. Në fillim ishim optimistë, dhe menduam që më në fund edhe vetë MTKRS ishte pjesë e promovimit të këtij aktiviteti. Por për çudinë tonë, tani që ka ardhur koha, që ne po përgatisim projektet finale, na transmetohet në mënyrë verbale, që aktivitetet që kanë lidhje me filmin nuk do të financohen nga MKTRS? E para gjë që na habit është se përse përmendet emri i TIFF-it në satin e MTKRS? Nëse është mbledhur bordi dhe është vendosur që ky aktivitet do të financohet, por ti pastaj si ministër vendos që nuk do t’i financosh, pse duhet t’ia çosh bordit për miratim këto projekte? Unë mendoj që kjo është një lloj tallje me 11 njerëz të nderuar të kulturës shqiptare? Ti si ministër tallesh, duke ia dhënë projektin, ata e aprovojnë dhe në fund vendos për atë që ti do vetë. E dyta do të isha dakord nëse kjo do të ishte vërtetë për të gjithë, që shteti ka vendosur që gjithë këta evenimente, që kanë të bëjnë me festivalet e filmit duhet të financohen nga QKK, por në një moment kur ne jemi në vështirësi financiare për këtë eveniment organizohet në emër të një shoqate një aktivitet mbi filmin gjoja me tematike i papasqyruar në sitin e Ministrisë si një aktivitet i aprovuar nga bordi në një rreth tjetër siç ishte ai i Fierit? Ne me këtë rast pyesim, se përse ky eveniment që ka gjashtë edicione, që sjell emra të njohur të kinematografisë botërore, njerëz që kanë sjellë risi në kinematografinë botërore, të sajohet një eveniment tjetër për filmin? Ne jemi partizane të krijimit të sa më tepër aktiviteteve kulturore sidomos për ato që kanë lidhje me kultivimin e filmit pjesë e të cilës ishte edhe “Summerfest” në Durrës këtë vit për të cilën ministria nuk u bë e gjallë. Por veprimet e ministrisë janë shantazhiste për vetë mënyrën sesi financojnë të ashtëquajturi evenimet filmi në Fier të shoqëruara me zvarritjet që organizatorët e këtij evenimeti filmik bënë ndaj TIFF për t’u furnizuar me filma, pasi nuk arritën të kishin më shumë se 9 prej tyre, me ose pa të drejtë shfaqjeje. Kjo është një goditje, sepse ne nuk jemi lypsarë. TIFF nuk drejton dorën për lekë, por ne kërkojmë partneritet, mbështetje. Ne kërkojmë që të na ofrohen disa shërbime si: kinemaja, promocioni etj. Këto vetë MTKRS mund t’i kishte kryere pa shpenzuar lekë, sepse dihet që ka kontrata që mund të na ndihmonte. Me TIFF ne shohim një mosdashje, një lloj pengesë që i bëhet aktiviteteve kulturore. Një njeri që e do kulturën, siç kemi rastin e kryeministrit, i cili i do aktivitet kulturore, i respekton artistët dhe sa herë i kanë kërkuar diçka ai ka qenë i gatshëm që t’i ndihmojë, ndërkohë që këtë duhet ta bënte ministri Ylli Pango, i cili nuk ka kërkuar që të konsultohej një herë me artistët, apo me ne si organizatorë, se si mund të bashkëpunojmë për aktivitete të tilla? Por e kundërta, ministri Pango zgjodhi braktisjen dhe injorimin në mënyrë demonstrative ndaj këtij aktiviteti. Më vjen shumë keq, që ai është shprehur dhe në media për mbështetje të aktivitetit, por në fund vendos që nuk do të japi asnjë mbështetje për këtë aktivitet. Ai nuk ka pranuar që të japi asnjë prononcim për këtë braktisje, që dhe ne ta kuptojmë se cila është arsyeja e mos mbështetjes së TIFF. Porse kur drejtuesi i kësaj ministrie i personalizon gjërat duke i emërtuar institucionet dhe aktivitetet jo sipas emrave përkatës, por sipas drejtuesve ashtu siç e përcaktoi ca kohë më parë në një emision konkursin “Marie Kraja” si konkursi i Zana Çelës, kjo tashmë nuk na çudit më. Duke ju referuar marrëdhënies së drejtpërdrejt të personit me absoluten në esenë “ Mbi krizën e krizave të arsyes” Umberto Eco këtë fenomen e quan krizë të vetë individit.
Lista e Firmetareve te peticionit ndaj Ylli Pangos
Till Now, 29 October 2008
544. Rauja Amin
543. michele mingrone Save T.I.F.F.!
542. asim memishi MEMISHI culture and the arts are integral to a healthy
state. for better or worse for value and the lack of it, it creates a
dialogue that is air in the lungs of society. please maintain these events,
to enrich, enliven, and broaden the knowledge and stimuli to an amazing
541. Yok Wai Leonard Lai Singapore Filmmaker
540. Piers Thompson Thompson
539. laureta ismailaj
538. Petrit Rezaj
537. Avni Abazi This festival is great event that needs to bring filmmakers
536. Ariot -Ari Myrtaj Let me be
535. Luan Bexheti Save TIFF
534. andamion murataj murataj TIFF is one of very few "stand out" achievement
of the albanian culture of the recent years, and undoubtfully the most
significant development on albanian film infrastrucutre. Supporting
financially the festival is an honor for every Albanian and a real
contribution on the empowering the Albanian national culture.
533. Dhimiter Ismailaj A minister of Culture who doesn't support culture, can
not call that title to himself.
532. jorge JSA please save TIFF...this is our dream, to be part in this big
events as an independent film maker...please save.
531. Alex Wiedeman Save the film festival, it is one of my goals to attend
and it is frankly my only reason to go to Albania. So if you nix the film
festival you nix me and thousands like me as tourists to your country.
530. Alex Wiedeman Save the film festival, it is one of my goals to attend
and it is frankly my only reason to go to Albania. So if you nix the film
festival you nix me and thousands like me as tourists to your country.
529. Erleta Lilaj
528. Geoffrey Sexton
527. Sid Volter
526. Borana Lushaj Tiff is the best event in Tirana
525. Gentiana Cela
524. Mathieu legris disengagement of public cultural policies is a real big
threat for cultural diversity
523. Taulant Musaraj Ju ngjate jeta!!
522. Giesser Roland
521. florian fino zoti minister ule koken para artit
520. Bettina Baukelmann
519. Andi Haviari
518. Ermir Topi
517. Berald Bulku
516. De Cesare Paolo Luigi is the minimal
515. Diana Aliko
514. Altin Aliko
513. Irida Cami
512. brunet tatiana
511. Polikron Stambolliu
510. Altin Stafa The mos important help to a rising country is the cultural
509. Minou Norouzi
508. Yllka Gorani
507. anna vegnente
506. rino sorrentino not clo-see
505. giuseppe trincone
504. gleni caci a country without cultural exchange is a dead country.le te
udhetojne shqiptaret pa pengesa.
503. Z Poonawala
502. Claudia Abbate
501. raffaele caliendo
500. Mahmood Soliman Soliman Please save this great and important festival -
Egyptian filmmakers
499. Alessandra Caliendo
497. Francesco Satta
496. Aurelio Speranza
495. Stefano Coccia The cultural happenings like this one are important for
all us... Please, save Tirana International Film Festival! My best wishes
from Rome.
494. Flavio D'Apuzzo
494. Flavio D'Apuzzo
493. manuela corsani
492. sara andinolfi
491. Galina Myznikova Tirana International Film Festival is great event that
must be keep in world film festival!
490. arb ali ok
489. roberta panza firmo la petizione
488. elena derosa ok
487. francesca russo ermolli
486. Assunta Fiocco
485. Annalisa De Lorenzo
484. paola morandino let the festival free!!!!
483. marirosa tenore
482. Gent Kadare
481. Claudia Amoruso
480. michele bia il festival di tirana è uno dei più belli e organizzati in
europa. Un festival così vuol dire cultura, e cultura vuol dire respiro,
479. Eva Papamihali
478. Paolo Amendola
477. Mariella Di Febbo
476. giuseppe tumino
475. stefano cocchia
474. Andrea Lodovichetti ...tutto il sostegno per evitare la chiusura! I
festival non si possono e non si DEVONO chiudere!
473. Nestore Guarino
472. inès i love cinema
471. Filippo Cavuoto
470. vincenzo tenore
469. Reidun Montaville
468. Rudina Buxheli SAVE TIFF
467. olta Reka -------------
466. Kleves Alimerko ----------------
465. mirella dosi dosi
464. Aferdita Tafa
463. Rocco Andrea I have followed the Festival since the beginning. I do not
think there is any other Festival in Europe that has been able to grow in
size and quality as the TFF. It must be saved, it's a treasure for Albania!!
462. Natasha Dudinski
461. giampiero frasca
460. Altin Goxhaj jam i skandalizuar se si mund t\i mohoet festivalit
nderkombetar te filmit mbeshtetja. Ky eshte veprim i paster antishqiptar dhe
459. Maria Joana Figueiredo
458. Alessandro Ago Save the festival!
457. Blerta Kambo No one has the right to deny one of the only non-kitsch
activities in Albania!
456. jona dajci
455. Bénédicte Houart
454. Estela Ziu Zoti Minister, ndoshta eshte shume t'ju kerkohet te ngrini
nje sistem te vertete vlerash, por te pakten mos u beni ju shkaktari qe te
humbasin vlerat e verteta te ngritura me aq mund.
453. entela mata
452. Henri Isufllari
451. Odeta Fecani
450. Ina Hoxha Zaloshnja
449. Saimir Huta
448. Migena Izeti
447. Artin Abazi
446. Ina Pira
445. Caterina Nascimbene
444. Elona Pira Pak meshire per kulturen. TIFF is not roadside tourism.
444. Elona Pira Pak meshire per kulturen. TIFF is not roadside tourism.
443. adela demetja
442. Ermela Teli FAT, TIFF !
441. Eriola Pira
440. Pierre-Henri Deleau
439. besmir sula
438. edlir666 whatooo666
436. Seron Xavier
435. chiara valenti omero dir. art. festival maremetraggio - trieste
434. Selene Ferrari You should take care. You are the Minister: you should
not kill one of the things you are responsible of. So many people write about
the importance of your country festival. Anyway it does not matter how much
or how few important it is. It is Culture and this should be far more than
enough. Don't kill it.
433. Albana Temali Save Tirana International Film Festival - Big Event for
Albania !
432. jeanne waltz Ê
431. Auron Tare
430. Valbona Selimi good luck
429. Anila Malaj
427. Erion Veliaj Amani, me pak shale e miss-e e pak me shume kulture me ato
qindarka te ministrise, flm. e.v.
426. mantero vera
425. Eugenia Teodorani
424. Erenik Beqiri
423. Lanini Stefano
422. Bernd Buder
421. Andrea Moussanet
420. cristina cellini free culture in a free world
419. Majlinda Bime Pangon e kane vene gabim ne ate ministri, se ne fakt duhet
te ishte minister i bagetive...
418. Anne Verba
417. elena viberti
416. Piccardo Paolo
415. Blanc Efisio
414. Francesca Baroncelli
413. francesco tatò
412. Fabio Marabotto W IL CINEMA!!!
411. leonard olli
410. s-h super Save Tirana International FIlm Festival
409. sasha carnevali the festival means work and culture: it is for the
future of the young
408. Alessio Torresi
407. Naim-Scanderbek Flamuri ho is blind in the heart no need for vision in
spirit this is movie magic
406. renzo trotta
405. Anisa Ymeri Sa turp per nje ministri kulture qe te mos mbeshtese nje
festival te tille, i vetmi qe mund te sjelle emra te medhenj te
kinematografise boterore ne Tirane.
404. Indrit Mesiti Don't let Tirana become an artistic desert
403. Carnera Paolo
402. Goran Trenchovski
401. Marilena CARNASCIALI
400. Mario Ciampolini
399. gianni cardillo
398. Ilaria Romani
397. Anisa Lloja
396. Alessandro de Cristofaro
395. Giotto Barbieri
394. marzio mirabella
Name Surname Comments
394. marzio mirabella
393. Raffaele Buranelli
392. Karin Proia
391. Andrea Cecchi
390. Daniele Bisio
389. Bujar Alimani
388. Lorenzo Vignolo
387. Erika E. Baruffaldi Errante I need cinema.
386. silvia mastrangelo
385. alfonso albandoz
384. LIRIO NUSHI Eshte fatalitet qe M.K.R.S. e Shqiperise nuk gjen fonde te
sponsorizoj te vetmin eveniment nderkombetar kulturor Shqiptar. Zt Pango,
"Arti Shqiptar "nuk ju do me si Minister Kulture.
383. Carmen Giardina
382. Marika Cirillo
381. Vanessa Sarti Iaia
380. Jona Kuke
379. ida carcani
378. Serena Palozzi
377. Emanuela Mortari
376. Dorian Dushi Besoj qeveritaret duhet te ndergjegjesohen se TIFF eshte
nje dritare publiciteti per Shqiperine ne Bote
375. Diana Giromini
374. Gigi Piola
373. Massimo Federico
372. Marco Paba Marco Paba
371. Francesca Rosina Robbiano please don't waste Ilir and His friends'
precious work. Culture is a financial asset, and it is harder to support than
anything else.
370. ines murati
369. michael Clarence for your consideration
368. oneda gjoci
367. Kliton Gerxhani
366. Siltana Zeneli Save it!
365. De Fraye Islin vive le film albanais que je dois encore découvrir!
364. Angeliki Antoniou Culture is the most important element in a civilized
country. The TIFF is culture in Albania and therefore it is more than
363. Mario Prada Nuk ka shtet...nuk ka shqiptare....dhe si mund te kete
362. Eda Spaho Save the Belongs to Albanians...not to Mrs.PANGO
361. Mariol Spahiu No Comment!
360. s_r high Save Tirana International FIlm Festival
359. Eimear O'Herlihy
358. Nicolas Waquet
357. vladimir marku
356. Ergys Temali Ju lutem zoterinj qeveritare, pak me respekt per kulturen
dhe artin
355. Milena Selimi z.Pango po shtoni gjynahet ndaj kultures, ndersa po
ngaterroni prioritetet e artit. Mekati i radhes quhet TIFF 2007, ndersa perla
e mbeshtetjes suaj quhet Festa e Birres te kodrat e liqenit
354. Monda Shima Ne nje vend qe nuk ka drita, uje, eshte heroizem te besh
art, e aq me shume art cilesor. Keshtu qe shpetoni TIFF!
353. Alban Mesonjesi
352. Mimoza Koçiu
351. Kristaq Profkola Forca
350. Darina Kokona
349. Terry Craven
348. laurent baptiste la culture est le salut
347. Cristiano Palozzi Tiff is important for European culture. Save Tiff
346. Doriana Zaho none
345. SULA Ylli Qe nga momenti kur Ministria e Kultures vendosi te mbeshtese
kete mesvit "festen e birres dhe salçiçeve", si aktivitet kulturor, eshte e
kuptueshme se s'mund te kete fonde per aktivitete si TIFF!
344. Stavroula Geronimaki
344. Stavroula Geronimaki
343. Rik Vermeulen
342. Gregory Zorzos Culture that join Nations must supported by the
Government. Albania must support its creators and the friends from the other
countries. Greetings from Greece to all people of Tirana International Film
Festival. Continue your work. Present your culture.
341. Ergin Kuke
340. Murlan Jasiqi
339. sojli iris iris
338. bledar zaho
337. Dritan Arbana
336. Enela Fortuzi
335. Hilda Gjika
334. doomed lover save tirana international film festival
333. Lorena Caushaj
332. Filip Kondovski no comment
331. ERGYS FAJA mos shkatërroni atë për të cilën njerëzit dhe artistët kanë
330. Bledi Masati
329. Eleni Laperi Kemi nevoje per tradita ne kulturen e re
328. Laroche Jean-Philippe Save the wonderful Tirana Film Festival
327. Kastriot Abdyli Duhet te mbeshtetet institucionalisht
326. Joerg Wagner
325. Petrit Pula
324. Henor Salaj Save Da Tirana International Film Festival. Reeespect.
323. Gentian Koci Mendoj se Ministria e Kultures duhet ta mbeshtese kete
aktivitete sepse eshte nje nga aktivitetet qe sjell vertet vlera ne Shqiperi.
Nuk me pelqejne politikat e Ministrise se Kultures ne lidhje me sponsorizimet
e aktiviteteve kulturore ne Shqiperi. Mendoj se ky aktivitet duhet
322. Werther Germondari Dove c'è cultura c'è crescita di un paese...
321. erion kame -
320. Servois Julien
319. Najada Musa --
318. Steve Buscemi
317. jenny holt Holt
316. stefan taci Megjithese Pangon e kam mik se i kam bere ca kopertina libri
por ne kete rast nese ka pasur ne dore dhe nuk ka vepruar per cfare do arsye
nuk eshte luajale per artin e kinemase e ne vecanti per kete aktivitet kaq
simpatik si TIFF.
315. Branka Mitic
314. saimir kumbaro TIFF duhet te mbeshtet nga qeveria.
313. blerta Alikaj
312. Dean Sagard
311. Armald Imeraj Please save TIFF
310. Anthony Chen Chen Film Director from Singapore
309. Azem Kola Please save the one of the best festival in Albania, I think
we Albanians need a film industry and it must grow for the future filmmakers
308. Olta Reka
307. Petrit Malaj
306. Knidi Bashari
305. Artaker Anna
304. Xheni Sinakoli
303. Gianni Amelio Caro Ilir Butka, ho appreso delle difficoltà per lo
svolgimento del Tirana International Film Festival. Ne sono addolorato.
Intanto ti comunico tutto il mio sostegno e la mia simpatia. Con l'augurio
che un Festival così importante e necessario possa continuare a esistere. Un
abbraccio, Gianni Amelio
302. zelimir gvardiol save TIFF
301. Arben Spartaku
300. Blenard Pustina
299. irma qehajaj
298. Stefan Krause
297. altin basha
296. Karp Laura Save Tirana Film Festival
295. Koenig baudouin
294. lathuiliere jean guy
293. Sivaroj Kongsakul -
292. Girard Charles
291. Kosto vulaj
290. elona prela
289. Elona vulaj
288. erkend bacelli
287. blerina Prela
286. bina Bacelli Save TIrana international film festival
285. Aurel Zaloshnja
284. hannes hoelzl hoelzl we need culture !!!
283. Flore Soria
282. Indrit Kasmi te ndihmosh per filmin do te thote ti sjellesh nje kombi
identitet,i imi ka shume nevoje! Po i yti zoti Minister?
281. Jordi Carhur free cinema
280. Ridi Qirici Po nderprisni nje nga te paktat aktiviteti qe na bejne te
njohur ne bote.
279. Blerta Blaku Save Tirana International Film Festival
278. Anilda Kacaci
277. gianluca truppa
276. Rudina Vojvoda
275. Isa Qosja Aristet kan vetem nje feste:festivalin. Na lejoni te
274. Ivan Pavlov, President of the Union of Bulgarian Film Makers
273. eva hoelzl let albania not be only the last of europe in everything!
272. ronan leonard leonard please keep thius valuable film festival going
271. Gent Hazizi
270. Igor Shestopalov
269. Georgia Hopkins
268. Montserrat Guiu Valls
267. Elma Tataragic
266. Don O'Mahony
265. Kujtim Çashku Çashku Save culture, saving TIFF! From SHKSHL ( Shoqata e
Kineasteve Shqiptare Lumiere)
264. Eol Çashku Çashku Full support for TIFF, from OraFilm and the Academy of
Film & Multimedia Marubi.
263. Romir Zalla
262. Hristina Argirovska
261. Marija Argirovska
260. Una Feely Having attended the first edition of Tirana, I saw firsthand
how important this festival is. It contributes much to the cultural life of
Tirana and Albania and it will be a shame if the festival is not encouraged
to develop and financially supported to do so.
259. Arben Zharku
258. szasz kriszta
257. Leonel Duarte Santos
256. LE DANTEC Adeline
255. Dritan Karadaku
254. Van Rooden Aukje
253. Schaarschmidt Boris For the art of filmmaking!! Keep it alive.
252. Poisson Audrey
251. Genti Gace
250. alban gjata
249. Aksinja Xhoja
248. Felina Agolli Why not to make this festival a long tradition?
247. Ajet Nuro
246. Ciprian Mihali Romania
245. Genc Jonuzi Vete jam konservator dhe jo dhe aq pro financimeve te tilla,
po kur di qe ne Shqiperi parate shumicen e rasteve futen neper ca xhepa (e
dini ju te kujt) eshte me mire qe aktivitete te tilla te financohen qe c'ke
me te se jam i sigurte qe Ministria nuk do jete lodhur shume duke financuar
aktivitete kulturore keshtu qe Z. Minister, sidomos ti, kesaj rradhe duhet te
"hidhesh" them une. Olee!
244. Genc Jaupi
243. Gjeneza Budima
241. Beth Armstrong An important and great international festival
240. Besnik Pula
239. rovena lule
238. Ilsiona Nuh Eshte i vetmi eveniment i cili i le hapsire talenteve te
reja. Shqiperia eshte vend qe ka nevoje per evenimente artistike dhe te
aktivizoje rinine.
237. megi xharo
236. Dori Ahmeti
235. Dashamir Bërxulli
232. ana sh
231. Mehdi Belhaj KACEM
230. Jacques RANCIERE
229. Ledja Shalari
228. Raymond BELLOUR
227. Joni Shanaj TIFF jep shprese.
226. johanes sejdiaj
225. redi treni
224. Angela Pagano
223. Shpend Bengu Festivali i Filmit me metrazh te shkurter ose TIFF, per
mendimin tim eshte nje nga ngjarjet me te rendesishme per kulturen shqiptare.
Si pjesmarres i disa edicioneve, shpreh habine time persa i perket
indiferences se Ministrise se Kultures lidhur me kete aktivitet te
mrekullueshem. Shpresoja qe me ardhjen e ministrit te ri zotitYlli Pango (per
te cilin kam respekt) dicka do te ndryshonte ne Ministrine e Kultures lidhur
me gjynahet e paraardhesit te tij. Ne fundin e fiteve 80, nje fondacion
zviceran vizitoi Shqiperine. Kur u kthye ne Zvicer fondacioni i propozoi
parlamentit zviceran qe Zvicra te krijonte Ministrine e Deteve meqenese ne
Shqiperi kishte Ministri Kulture.
222. Ela G. Meqenese e mbani veten per nje intelektual te vertete si mund te
mos arrini te kuptoni artin e vertete prej atij banal! Bejeni dallimin eshte
shume e thjeshte jepini vlera artit te vertete dhe qe shpreh kulture jo vetem
brenda Shqiperise por edhe mbare Botes!Dhe sic thoni edhe vete ju " MINISTER"
shikojini gjerat me pozitivisht per kulturen.
221. Agnesa Vuthaj
220. Tessmann Noe
219. Federica Marrone
218. Rudina Magjistari How sad signing this petition in the Europe of 2007...
217. Ada Sula
216. daniela ricci
215. olsi bega
214. Kolo Cukali Shock to the System
213. Ani Koxhaku
212. Roberto Venturino
211. erind Ç
210. orjola prela
209. erilda borici
208. Entela Mitraku I hope my Vote would help a little
207. Edmond Budina Në një kohë që Shqipëria ka një numur mjeran sallash
kinemaje e aktivitetesh kinematografike, të detyrosh të mbyllet të vetmen
dritare që të jep një reze shprese e të lidh me boten, për ne që jemi jashtë
atdheut, është sikur të na heqësh edhe atë pak me të cilën mund të krenohemi.
Eshtë njësoj sikur të kryesh një krim. Bashkohem me kolegët e mij e
organizatorët e TIFF e iu them : REZISTONI.
206. Luigi Toni
205. eri sdu me e then shpresoj te ndryshoje shqipria
204. Bujana Brahimi
203. Patrizia Bettini Save Tirana Film Festival
202. Alain BROSSAT
201. Manuel Caló
200. Emanuele Musso
199. soria judith
198. Ilirjana Stringa
197. Soria Jacques
196. François Arnaud
195. Steurer Richard
194. Gentiana Malo
193. Orgest AZIZAJ
192. Tanja Nestoroska
191. Philippe SANSON
190. Andi dwonch
189. Gledis Bica Dhe festivalin e vetem te filmit qe zhvillohet ne Shqiperi
doni ta mbyllni??TURP PER JU ZOTI PANGO,TURP PER KETE QEVERI...Shpresoj qe
kjo te mos ndodhi!!!
188. Ols Abazi firme pa KOMENT
187. Arlind DERVISHI Ju letem ! Mbeshtesni TIFF ! Eshte me shume se nje
festival ! Eshte ajo e pakta fryme krijuese qe na perfaqson ne bote, qe
mbeshtet artistet e rinj, qe mbeshtet kulturen shqiptare ... Sinqerisht
186. Derek Laviniere Laviniere
185. Ridvan Peshkopia Shpetoni TIFF
184. ARTUR DAUTI TURP . Edhe nje here Turp per politike beresit ne Shqiperi.
Mesa duket ata nuk bejne asgje tjeter vecse vertetojne VARFERINE e tyre
INTELEKTUALE, per ata Kultura nuk eshte gje tjeter veçse nje varse ne çels
mbajtesen e tyre
183. Koen Wastijn Wastijn Albania need a radical changement
182. gezim binaj
181. Loziana Ibrahimi x
180. Esmeralda Sokoli
179. elona eski
178. fani zguro
177. Ledio Veseli
176. Mihal Bicja
175. Sibel Pipa shqiperia eshte ne nje faze qe ka teper nevoje te "rritret"
me kulture. Ministrat tane duhet te perpiqen te sjellin sa me shume
aktivitete kulturore ne Shqiperi dhe jo te mbyllin ato qe jane!
174. Kreshnik Hoti
173. sara mesini do marrrrr pjes dhe une:P
172. Ilir Kabashi TIFF per kater vjet ka sjell krijime boterore ne Shqiperi
dhe ka derguar ato shqiptare ne bote. Ky festival tashme nuk eshte vetem i
Shqiperise dhe i Kosoves, ai eshte festival i mbare botes. Si i till ai duhet
ta kete rriten e vet e jo vdekjen.
171. PANAGIOTIS FAFOUTIS TIFF helped me understand and respect Albanians
more.As I have travelled to many festivals with my films, TIFF is one of the
most high quality and friendly film festivals.
170. Elvin Xhatufa Eshte me te vertete e trishtueshme te degjosh qe MKRS nuk
ka mundesi te sponsorizoje nje prej evenimenteve me te sukseshme ne vitet e
fundit qe promovon jo vetem kinematografine shqiptare, por edhe Tiranen si
desitnacion ne boten e artit.
169. Sayaka Masuoka
168. Robert Budina Shqiperia nuk e ka lluksin te shkaterroje te vetmin
aktivitet kulturor te denje ta perfaqsoje me sukses ne te gjithe boten.
167. Sabina Kodra Eshte i vetmi aktivitet kinematografik me ane te te cilit
kineastet shqiptare mund te jene ne kontakt me kinemane bashkekohore.
166. Padraig Mallon Mallon Save the Festival !!. As someone who was there at
the beginning and has watched it grow it is unthinkable that it should cease
to exist. Agron and Illir deserve huge credit for starting this cultural
event which means so much to Tirana and to the rest of us in Europe. We in
Cork and in Ireland support you. Good luck with your work TIFF
165. veronica locatelli
164. Claire Tran
163. Remond Melanie
162. Francesca Staasch long live the TIFF!
161. Viko Nikci
160. Paul Davies
159. Cheng alice
158. boucris jérémie
157. Fatmir Koci Finance TIFF. It's a national obligation.
156. de Hadeln Moritz Former director of the Berlin & Venice International
film Festivals
155. Gawain Morrison Please save this festival as it is important fo the
future of international film recognising Albania as a centre of film culture.
154. idlir azizi tell the mr minister, a book plagiat, to step down for good
153. giovanni Robbiano robbiano
152. Line Langebek Knudsen Film festivals such as this are an important part
of the cultural landscape for any country and Tirana Film Festival has
established itself as an imporant port of call for filmmakers.
151. Bekim Mala
150. Barbara Bialkowska
149. Vincent Hazard Hazard SAVE TIFF! It's an important festival it must
148. eno milkani
147. Dania Appolloni
146. Christian Nicoletta to save a free festival
145. Kittel Juergen
144. Roland Sejko
143. Deniona Kondi
142. deniona kondi
141. Lidin Karolina
140. Cristina Soldano
139. Hana Rezkova
138. Erica Girotto Save Tirana International Film Festival
137. Blerta Basholli
136. Tomaso Cariboni enthousiastic former partecipant to Tiranan Film Fest
135. Albri Brahusha Writer
134. Konstantinos Antonopoulos
133. Alessandro Dominici One of the most important festival in Europe!!
132. Cleven doris As co-director of Anima, the international festival of
animation of Brussels, I know that a festival can not be organised without
state support. More and more, festivals are the only place to discover and to
show the work of artists who don't find a place in the commercial
131. Vladimir Perovic TIFF is far from being a local issue. Save it!
130. Antonio Greco
129. Millan Vazquez Spanish Distributor
128. Joao Macedo Portugal - Festival Director
127. Danijel Hocevar
126. Dribbling Pictures Nice festival, wonderful people. Very important for
the local arts scene as well as for outsiders' perspective on Tirana. Respect
and regards to the entire TIFF crew, if you need me to DJ again at your
resurrection party, I'm flying down in 40 minutes! Boris Mitic / Dribbling
Pictures, Belgrade
125. Filipe Pereira Pereira
124. Lennon Danny An extremely important event that cannot die, the public,
the youth of Albania attend in large numbers craving films, contacts and
wanting to make Albania a great place, I've witnessed great things at TIFF!
123. Stuart Pound Pound
122. Stephen Kilkie
121. Stephen Keep Mills Mills This festival brings honor and artistic
attention to your country. It celebrates vitality and creation and the
important exchange of ideas and cultures.
120. Sathit Sattarasart
119. francesca frati
118. ervin kotori shqiperi te mori lumi shqiperi .ore minister a ke turp apo
e ke ngren me buke
117. Sabir Kanaqi turp, e faqja e zez.
116. Florian CANGA CANGA Ministri nje injorant
115. Resul Jusufi
114. Peter Snowdon
113. Giovanni Antelmi
112. burbuqe berisha
111. Petraq Papa Thjesht mund te them qe me duket nje papergjegjshmeri e
madhe te mos mbeshtetet nje festival me dimensionet e Tirana International
Film Festival.
110. suzi ibisi
109. Milos Kostovski Save the festival!!!
108. Cecilie Bolvinkel
107. Arber Kurtulaj
106. Giulia Ricci
105. Jaksa Boric
104. Jay Field
103. Flaminia N'Guyen
102. marco superti
101. odeta cunaj
100. florian canga
99. alket xhakollari we must save the festival
98. maurizio guermandi
97. schreuders andre
96. igor zupe
95. Alessandra Piras
94. Mikhail Sebastian Sebastian Keep TIFF running
93. Pedro Touceda
91. Ken Loach
90. florjan fejzollari
89. Troebs Sebastian
88. S. M.
87. Veton Nurkollari
86. CRUSSIERE ALF support cultural events, support Tirana Film Festival
85. Hanne Skjødt Skjødt
84. Grazina Arlickaite
83. Zhujeta Cima
82. adriana nimani kutllovci
81. Emina Ganic
80. Robert Aliaj DRAGOT DRAGOT "Arti eshte identiteti i nje populli." Z
Pango, mendoni se identiteti i shqiptareve eshte korrupsioni? Apo prapambetja
e mizeria?
79. Shpend Mula
78. Cecilia Lidin Artistic Director Odense Int. Film Festival, Denmark
77. Petro Vasili Minister do something not just politics and propaganda
76. Kari Lounela Executive Director, Tampere 38th Film Festival, Finland
75. Ulla Jacobsen
74. Alexei Dmitriev
73. Zoltán Füredi Director of Dialektus Festival Hungary
72. ALEXANDRE Rockwell ROCKWELL I am a director who believes in the
international importance of film festivals. Without these wonderful outlets
for world cinema our film culture would suffer greatly. I imagine an
international festival such as Tirana is of the utmost importance in the
exchange of Albanian culture with that of the world at large.
71. Evgeny Ruman from Israel
70. Till Passow safe culture - safe the festival!
69. Timo Katz
68. M. Txema Muñoz Txema
67. Skerdi Mahmutaj Save the Film Festival! Save the Albanian Culture!
66. Stefan Kitanov I support TIFF.
65. Robert Ciesla
64. Rey Anthony Great Festival ! Save it !
63. Leturcq Vania
62. Ujkan Hysaj
61. Ognen Antov Help the film, help the festival, save the culuture all over
the world. Ognen Antov, Producer
60. Tiina Lokk
59. Stefan Laudyn Dear Minister, as director of the Warsaw International Film
Festival and Board member of the European Film Academy I would like to
express my support for our friends from the Tirana International Film
Festival. We are in contact since the beginning of TIFF existence and I must
say they are doing a tremendous job, promoting both European and world cinema
in Albania and Albanian culture in Europe. TIFF is a part of our European
Film Family. Film festivals are very fragile and without your kind support
they will cease to exist.
58. Dollhofer Christine
57. Vuckovic Miroljub
56. visar vishka for Albania-part of European Culture
55. ina sh Lereni te jetoje kete femije qe sa ka mbushur 5 vjetorin e tij se
nderon Shqiperine ne mbare boten Shoku Ylli, qe yll ke emrin por nuk shkelqen
e nuk le as te tjeret te shkelqejne
54. Iris Sengla
53. lorin rrushi Kthjellohuni Zoti minister
52. Antonella Sica Save TIFF
51. eneda ajdari
50. Klejdi Eski Eshte i vetmi aktivitet qe vetem ne 1 jave i kthen shqiperise
gjithe dinjitetin kulturor qe ajo humbet gjate 1 viti.
49. kliton kuka
48. leonora muja muja
47. alma goxhi
46. simone salvemini TIFF is a fundamental cultural resource for all the
Albanian territory. TIFF is the best way to show the best of Albania in the
world. Don't forget!
45. Pina Ndoja Mos jeni ne krize mendore zoti minister ?
44. Luiza Shehu
43. anila pusta (austri) Si mund te mos mbeshtetet nje perle?
42. atlinda ndini Mos i zhdukni vlerat ruajini ato
41. Elda Dajçi Shpetoni Irana Internacional Film Festival
40. Bora KUKA Spetojeni edhe per mua
39. Stefano gosatti Salvatelo
38. Arber Alikaj Votoni per TIFF votoni per vlerat
37. petro gusho
36. Adi Alikaj Save Tirana International Film Festival
35. Blerina Alikaj e nderuar te votoj per Save TIFF
34. Jonathan Tuerpe
33. Ana gusho Mbeshteteni festivalin Zoti Minister
32. kristi gusho Duajeni Tirana Festival filmin dhe mos e harroni
31. Enkeleda Daja
30. Elvana Bicolli
29. Rigela Klenja
28. Lauresha Hani
27. Kujtim Bunga
26. antonela gjermeni ky festival eshte nje pasqyrim i shqiperise ne bote,
prandaj duhet mbeshtetur nga ju
25. Adi Alikaj Save Tirana International Film Festival
24. Drita Ruka
23. ediola islamaj
22. Elona Kalesha
21. Blendi Dafa
20. Sabina sabinalalaj
19. irma barci By underestimating the importance of TIFF you as Minister of
Culture are underestimating the talents and efforts of many artists......
they are and always will be part of the Albanian art and culture history
....I doubt you will
18. artan barci It is a shame that such an amazing cultural event for Albania
does not get the much needed support from the Ministry of Culture....I wonder
If you do not support TIFF ...what is that you support?
17. Steve Gatlin
16. Zhani Terpini
15. Bertrand Shijaku
14. Polikseni Doci
13. Ornela Doci
12. Ynne Messner
11. Gentjana Kalesha
10. Jared Katsiane Please save TIFF! Best wishes from Boston, US
9. BLENDI kumi
8. mariano fiocco
7. francesco minervini
6. Ilir Kurti
5. Altina Mura
4. Vera Kurti Mbroni vlerat dhe arritjet tona me te mira
3. Elisa D. Arti eshte gjeja me e bukur! Ndihmojeni ate!
2. Gladiola Kuka Please do it
1. Elida Rasha Is our duty and obligation to save TIFF
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Albanian Cinema Exhibition in Genova Film Festival
30th June/ 6th July 2008
Genoa - Italy
Object: Albanian Cinema Exhibition in Genova Film Festival
To: Tirana International Film Festival
the 11th GENOVA FILM FESTIVAL will take place in Genoa, Italy, from the 30th of June to the 6th of July 2008.
GENOVA FILM FESTIVAL is the most important Cinema Festival in Ligury and one of the most appreciated in Italy. In eleven years it has had an audience of thousands of people, and more than 1.400 films have been shown in the previous ten editions. One of the most important events of eleventh GENOVA FILM FESTIVAL is Oltre il Confine - Over the Border, exhibition dedicated to an international Cinematography not well distributed in Italy.
Every year “Oltre il Confine” (“Over the Border”) proposes to the Italian audience a not well known international cinematography in order to make people know a different cinema from commercial one; a cinema that is expression of a culture too.
One of the aims of GENOVA FILM FESTIVAL is to contribute to an alternative cinema distribution. Entrance is free of charge.
Every year “Oltre il Confine” (“Over the Border”) shows a large number of feature films, shorts and documentaries that rapresent the chosen country.
This year GENOVA FILM FESTIVAL would like to dedicate “Oltre il Confine” to Albanian Cinema. GENOVA FILM FESTIVAL would like to show the best of Albanian audio-visual production from the Nineties to today. The Albanian Cinema Exhibition will include feature films, shorts and animation films, screening the best ones. We would like to propose to the festival audience some of the most well-known Albanian masterpieces too. GENOVA FILM FESTIVAL would like to invite some Albanian directors for a meeting with festival audience.
In order to well organize this Albanian Cinema Exhibition we formally ask the cooperation of Tirana International Film Festival. We need your help to establish institutional partnership and to contact Albanian directors to get preview copies of Albanian films in DVD (subtitled in English or, if the copy already exists, in Italian) in order to choose features length and shorts to insert in our review.
We thank you in advance for your interest and help and we are looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards.
the Direction
Cristiano Palozzi
Antonella Sica
Associazione Culturale Daunbailò
Via Tavella 10R 16136 Genova - Italy
ph +39 010 2725915 - Ph +39 010 5573958 – mobile +39 349 6222857
Friday, December 7, 2007

Graduated in 2000 on Literature – major in History and Critics of Cinema, “La Sapienza” University in Rome. In 2005 takes a Master degree in Press offi ce for Cinema, organized by the School of Cinema of Rome.Product Placement Supervisor of “Armonia”Production for the movie “Come tu mi vuoi” by Wolfango De Biasi. Production Coordinator for “Heat” Production srl movie “Valzer” by Salvatore Maira. In 2006 is ProductionCoordinator for “Heat” Production srl movie“L’Abbuffata” by Mimmo Calopresti, starring Diego Abatantuono and Gerard Depardieux. In 2002 she teaches the Theory and Techniques of Cinema at the Casperia Institute of Rimini in the frame of the “Cinema and School” project. organiser of the 2001 edition of orte Short Film Festival. Director of the second edition of CoRToVITERBo 2007 Short Film Festival. Appolloni collaborated with “Istituto Luce” in the fi eld of archiving and editorial activities mainly dealing with MIFED of Milan, MIPTV of Cannes and Heat Production srl.
After studying at the Philosophical Faculty of the Cologne University,he moved to Prague to attend FAMU, the renowned film and TV academy.There he directed a short called Astropolitan, which premiered at the International Belgrade Film Festival and earned Mani success early in his career. While working as a translator for Emir Kusturica’s Underground, he agreed to shoot a documentary on Kusturica called Shooting Days, which has won critical acclaim and has been
Is a San Francisco-baseddocumentary fi lmmaker. Green receivedhis master’s degree in journalism from theUniversity of California, Berkeley, where hestudied documentary with acclaimed fi lmmaker Marlon Riggs. His most recent fi lm The Weather Underground was nominated for an Academy Award, broadcast nationally on PBS, and included in the 2004 Whitney Biennial.His other award-winning documentariesinclude lot 63, grave c, The Rainbow Man/John 3:16, n-Judah 5:30, and Pie Fight ’69. Mr. Green currently teaches at the University of San Francisco and the San Francisco Art Institute. He has received grants from the Creative Capital, Rockefeller and Guggenheim Foundations, as well as the nationalEndowment for the Arts. He has been aresident at the MacDowell Colony, the Bellagio Study and Conference Center, the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, and the Marin Headlands Center for the Arts.
Thursday, December 6, 2007

In cooperation with the Embassy of Spain in Tirana at TIFF07 will be present the well known Spanish director Miguel Hermoso. With his film “La Luz Prodigiosa (Marvellous Light)” examines what might have happened if famed Spanish writer Frederico Garcia Lorca had not been executed at the beginning of the Spanish Civil War.
Phil Parmet presented Animal Factory of Steve BUSCEMI at TIFF

This is Phill Parnet first visit to Albania and will introduce for the audience one of his best works of his carrier such as ” Animal factory”.
This is an good opportunity for the Albanian filmmaker to have among them one of the most well respected d.p.

An American Cinematographer online exclusive
by Jon WitmerPhotos by Gene Page, Phil Parmet and Coney Marie LynchPhotos courtesy of Lions Gate Films and Phil Parmet
An active cinematographer and still photographer for the past three decades, Phil Parmet began his career working for Garrett Brown, inventor of the Steadicam, before moving on to documentary filmmaking. Little did he realize how his documentary background would later play into his collaboration with director Rob Zombie. The work in question is The Devil’s Rejects, Zombie’s follow-up to his debut feature House of 1000 Corpses. Where Corpses lent itself toward campy send up, however, Rejects has taken a much darker turn, exploring an ugly underbelly of humankind personified in the Firefly family, made up of Otis (Bill Moseley), Baby (Sheri Moon Zombie), and Captain Spaulding (Sid Haig) (and supporting characters Mama and Tiny, played by Leslie Easterbrook and Matthew McGrory, respectively). In Parmet’s own words, “This was much more like Straw Dogs than it was like any other kind of horror film, or Taxi Driver, even. It’s about evil in a way that horror films rarely approach.”
Parmet was introduced to Zombie through Rejects unit production manager Brent Morris, who had previously worked with the cinematographer on American Gun. In preparation for his meeting with the director, Parmet viewed a wide smattering of horror films, but when he actually met with Zombie, that research rarely came up. “I started talking to him about what he liked and it turned out that a lot of the films he really liked, I liked too,” the cinematographer enthuses. “And I think the first films we started talking about were Westerns, particularly revisionist Westerns [such as Hang ‘Em High, The Wild Bunch, Monte Walsh, and El Topo ].” (Parmet also mentions such classics as Bonnie & Clyde, The French Connection, In Cold Blood, and Fat City as inspirations to his work with Zombie.)
A shared vision with the director to “make the film very, very real” helped seal the deal for Parmet, and once on board, he was a given a month for preproduction. The first major assignment thrown his way was to help determine the path the film would follow from prep through postproduction. As Parmet recalls, “Lions Gate said to Rob and me, you have a choice, shoot this in Super 35[mm] or 16. If you shoot it in Super 35, you have to do an optical internegative; if you shoot it in Super 16, you can do a DI (digital intermediate).
“Two films that [Zombie] brought up were Amores Perros and 21 Grams [both shot by Rodriego Prieto, ASC, AMC]. I think both of those films were done with bleach bypass. But he didn’t totally want to go for that look; he said use these as a reference we can jump off from. And I said, ‘listen, we can do the same thing with a DI, and we’ll have a lot more control.’” While a newcomer himself to digital intermediates, Parmet was hopeful of the promises the technology offered, and to help sell the director on the idea and demonstrate some of the visual possibilities, he drew on his knowledge of Adobe Photoshop, shooting stills and manipulating them on his computer to affect a bleach-bypass look.
His demonstration was convincing, and soon everyone was in agreement that a DI was in order. Next, Parmet set about testing a variety of 16mm stocks, ultimately settling on Kodak Vision2 500T 7218 for interiors and Vision2 100T 7212 for exteriors. “I took them right through the DI to look at them, and the grain structure is just really tight on the 7218.” The cinematographer shot the 7212 at its recommended ISO 100 and overexposed the 7218 slightly, rating it at ISO 320.
Early on, Zombie told Parmet that he wanted two cameras to roll at all times (and for certain scenes, such as the gunfight at the Firefly house that opens the film, they had as many as six cameras running simultaneously). To operate the “A” and “B” cameras, Parmet drew on the talents of Rick Davidson and David Daniel, respectively. “Their styles are different and they just totally complement each other,” praises Parmet. (The “C” camera was operated by 2nd Unit director of photography Chris Hayes, who was assisted by Phoebe Sudrow.)
“In the beginning I felt like I was telling everybody what to do, I’d say pan to here, when, hold this, but by the end of the film I wasn’t telling them anything. I’d say, ‘here’s the scene, go shoot it,’ and I’d look at the monitors, and my mouth would be open, because what we’d be getting would be so great.”
The production turned to Panavision for their cameras, Aaton XTRprods mounted with Zeiss 16mm T1.3 Super Speed prime lenses. “Typically we shot with longer lenses, like 50[mm] and up, up to 150. The 85mm was a big lens.”
Aside from some exterior shooting that required the use of neutral density (ND) filters, Parmet eschewed any filtration on the lenses. “We tried to shoot around [T]5.6 outside so we had to use NDs. I don’t like the contrast that you pick up when you’re really closed down, or the depth of field.”
For interiors, Parmet consistently shot with the lenses wide open, and he is the first to acknowledge the difficulties posed to 1st ACs Rory Muirhead (“A” camera) and James Sprattley (“B” camera). “I said, ‘Rob, listen, I hired two of the best focus pullers I know, but there’s going to be a little bit out of focus — it might not be out of focus, but it’ll go between focus here and there, that’s going to be part of the quality of this film.’ But I don’t think ten shots are out of focus.”
Another challenge for all involved came from Zombie’s desire to shoot the movie almost completely handheld. Reveals Parmet, “Rob said to me later on, ‘The reason I chose you is because I know you have a big documentary background and you wouldn’t be afraid of a handheld camera.’” In the end, the cinematographer estimates that 98 percent of the film is handheld, with some Steadicam work (done by “A” camera operator Rick Davidson) and one dolly shot (in which “the operator was sitting on top of the dolly, the camera on his shoulder”) comprising the rest.
Still, the cinematographer was wary of the handheld work being too overbearing. “I said I don’t want this to look handheld, I don’t want it to be shaky. I want it to be really, really smooth. If it looks handheld to me, I’m not going to like it. Because when you get it on a really big screen, the movement is so magnified anyway, it’s going to be there, that sense of breathing, that sense of aliveness that you get from handheld.”
Parmet’s preproduction work with a digital still camera and Photoshop came in handy again when he used the system to communicate with FotoKem’s dailies timer Christian Soleta. Before production began, Parmet “talked to [Soleta] and I said, ‘Hey, can you make the dailies look like the pictures?’ And he said, ‘Yeah.’ And they did. So every day I’d get dailies back, and they’d look exactly like I wanted the movie to look.” (The filmmakers viewed their dailies on DVD.)
Most of The Devil’s Rejects was shot on location, but one key setting — the interior of a motel room where the Fireflys hold four people hostage — was reconstructed on a stage. The set was built with wild walls, although Parmet reveals, “We didn’t use them much. I think behind the bed we’d take the wall out if we were shooting from that direction, but pretty much we tried to keep it real.” To emulate the daylight that would have been streaming in through the window, the cinematographer employed “daylight-balanced HMIs with a double layer of 85 gel through the set windows plus smaller tungsten and Kino fixtures on the set itself.
“We bounced a lot of stuff off the floor and tried to stay away from a theatrical kind of look. Although if you look at it really closely, it’s not totally realistic. There’s a lot of backlight coming from other places. But the idea is to create an impression of naturalism, not necessarily make it natural.” (For their help in creating this natural look, Parmet also praises the efforts of his gaffer and key grip, William Russell and Vince Palamino, respectively.)
Later, after Sheriff Wydell has managed to capture Baby, Otis, and Captain Spaulding, Baby makes a desperate run for her life — covering some 150 yards between the Firefly house and barn — as the house burns down behind her. “We had a Bebee light set up kind of as a backlight behind the house, and at the other end of the field, behind the barn, we had a huge Condor with two 18Ks and two 4K Pars. Because we were moving so fast, I had to pick a place to put the lights and I knew I wasn’t going to move them.” The Bebee light was gelled with a double layer of 85, while the 18K and 6K Pars were gelled with 1/4 85. From one setup to the next, the cinematographer would tweak the lighting by either taking down or bringing up the frontlight in relation to the backlight coming from behind the house. “Sometimes I’d take a 12-by-12 black and put it over the front light and replace it with something else,” including 4K HMI Pars gelled with 1/2 85 and bounced into silver and gold Griffolyn, as well as flame bars for certain close-ups.
During postproduction, Parmet oversaw the digital intermediate done at FotoKem — using the Quantel IQ system — where the Super 16mm negative was scanned at 2K. FotoKem’s DI Artist for The Devil’s Rejects was Walter Volpatto, who Parmet describes as “the best I’ve seen. They brought Walter over from Italy, where he was one of the original engineers of the system, and he isn’t necessarily a colorist, but he’s Italian, he has a great sensibility, and I was just so happy with his work.”
A scene in which Sheriff Wydell converses with an apparition of his dead brother — one of the Fireflys’ victims from House of 1000 Corpses — proved a great road test of the DI’s capabilities. As Parmet explains it, “I literally overexposed by four stops because I wanted that center area totally blown out and dreamlike. And then when we got to the DI stage, Rob said he didn’t like it, and we brought it back to normal.”
Overall, the cinematographer’s first DI experience was very successful, and despite his hesitancy regarding digital capture, he’s quick to praise the intermediate process. “One of the great things that DI has introduced is a level of control that we’ve never had before. So much of what you call a design palette in a film has to do with your ability to afford to paint sets, to put all of your actors in specific colors. And most of the films I’ve worked on, we haven’t had the luxury of the time or money to do that. I think that DI’s great in terms of being able to really design a look into the film.”
At the end of the day, Parmet readily declares that The Devil’s Rejects was one of the most satisfying experiences of his career. “Rob is a lot younger than me, and I feel really fortunate to run into somebody so talented and so extraordinary, and just a great person, a nice person. He knows what he wants and he wants it. There’s no posturing, there’s no yelling, there’s no screaming, just ‘let’s do it, let’s make it great.’”

Greece's submission for an Oscar Nomination for Best Foreign Film 2008
47th Thessaloniki International Film Festival, State Awards, 2006:
Best Feature Film
Best Director (Angeliki Antoniou)
Best Screenplay (Angeliki Antoniou)
Best Set Design (Ioulia Stavridou)
Best Music (Kostas Christides and Minos Matsas)
Best Sound (Nikos Papadimitriou)
Best Editing (Takis Yannopoulos)
Best Costumes (Ioulia Stavridou)
Best Make-up (Fani Alexaki)
47th Thessaloniki International Film Festival, 2006:
FIPRESCI Award (Federation of International Film Critics)
The Greek Union of Film Television and Audiovisual Technicians (ETEKT) Award
29th Montpellier International Mediterranean Film Festival, 2007:
Golden Antigone (Antigone d'or de la Ville et de l'Agglomération de Montpellier)
Special mention by the Young People's Award (CMCAS)
Moscow International Film Festival, 2007 (Main Competition)
World Film Festival of Montreal, 2007
International Film Festival, Copenhagen, 2007
highest prize the GOLDEN ANTIGONE in International Montpellier Film Festival
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Tirana International Film Festival AWARDS 2007

Salvador / Abdelatif Hwidar / Spain / fiction / 11'
Best Fiction:
Iron mungary / Burim Haliti / Kosova / fiction / 26'
Children who never existed / David Valero / Spain / fictio / 30'
Fiction Special Mention:
New Boy / Steph Green / Ireland / fiction / 11'
Stand Straight / Hannah Scheweier / Germany / fiction / 30'
Best Animation:
Ark / Grzegorz Jonkajtys / Poland / animation / 8'
Animation Special Mention:
George grows / Martin Schmidt / Germany / animation / 2'
Butterfly / Stefan Taci / Albania / animation / 9'
The memories of dogs / Simone Massi / France / animation / 8'
Best Documentary:
The Bridge / Haris Bilajbegovic / Austria / documentary / 12'
Documentary Special Mention:
Giovanni and the impossible myth/ Gabriele Gismondi/ Italy/ documentary/18'
Best Experimental:
Magnetic movie / R. Jarman& J. Gerhardt/ UK&USA/ experimental/ 5'
Experimental Special Mention:
Hydrophil / Grau Mia / Germany / experimental / 10'
Prize of Media Jury:
Rise and shine / Sherif Elbendary / Egypt / fiction / 9'
Best Albanian Film:
Birth does not ask when / Parta Kelmendi/ Documentary/Kosova/ 20'
Public Award:
New Boy / Steph Green / Ireland / fiction / 11'
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Tirana corre, Tirana cambia, Tirana si dà un tono, ma non dimentica la cultura. I libri, la musica, il teatro, i film che negli anni del regime comunista erano stati il rifugio delle menti hanno un posto anche nella capitale che nel quartierino tra l’università, piazza Presidente Wilson e il lungofiume comincia a mettere insieme un’aria inconfondibilmente europea tra bar alla moda, discoteche patinate e boutique internazionali. Prendete questo novembre: chiude oggi la Fiera del libro, il 26 inizia il Tirana International Film Festival, per strada si vedono i manifesti di pieces teatrali, il galà lirico sinfonico offerto dalla Regione Puglia per la
chiusura di uno dei tanti progetti comunitari fa registrare il tutto esaurito. Non che manchino i problemi: l’acustica del Teatro dell’Opera, appesantito di moquette d’annata, è a dir poco approssimativa e Rino Marrone, direttore d’orchestra ospite, raccontava dopo le prove delle difficoltà che i volenterosi orchestrali (tra i quali
ci sono comunque delle punte di assoluta eccellenza) devono affrontare perfino con le sedie.
La logistica non è il punto forte neanche per la Fiera del libro, ospitata nella Piramide costruita per essere il mausoleo del dittatore comunista Enver Hoxha e trasformata negli anni del turbocapitalismo perfino in una discoteca. Oggi viene
usata come sede di fiere, ma la struttura è decisamente inadatta. E per di più la quantità di espositori ha costretto anche ad allestire all’esterno un paio di gazebo sferzati dalla pioggia abbondante di questa settimana. Tra dentro e fuori gli espositori sono quasi cento, compresi una manciata di editori kosovari e ’associazione degli editori in lingua albanese di Macedonia. Potenza di
una lingua che ha quasi altrettanti parlanti fuori dei confini della repubblica d’Albania di quanti non ne abbia all’interno (per altro la presenza ufficiale
della Grecia occhieggia agli ellenofoni del sud albanese), forza di una giovane editoria che traduce tantissima saggistica ma che non ha abbandonato l’amore per la letteratura: l’ultima grande passione dei lettori albanesi sembra essere il nostro Dino Buzzati, del quale qualche volta si traduce anche il cognome in un improbabile
«Buxati». Una casa editrice straniera in lingua albanese è, a rigore, anche la salentina Besa, che propone accanto ai suoi tanti titoli in italiano dedicati alla letteratura, alla cultura, alla storia albanesi, una selezionata produzione in
lingua albanese, nella quale spiccano i titoli degli albanesi Diana Çuli e Gezim Hajdari, ma c’è anche la Lettera a un kamikaze di Khaled Fouad Allam.
Livio Muci che con l’Albania dei libri traffica da ancor prima della caduta del comunismo, in questa Fiera del libro è naturalmente di casa, e non manca di notare che «con tanto parlare che si fa in Puglia di rafforzare i legami con l’Albania, la Regione avrebbbe ben potuto portare qui gli editori pugliesi. Del resto l’italiano
non è certo un ostacolo per i lettori albanesi».
In un ufficetto a vista tra i negozi e i bar della galleria commerciale della Torre Drin, a pochi passi dall’ombelico di pazza Skanderbeg, si lavora a ritmi forsennati per la quinta edizione del Tirana International Film Festival. La manifestazione,
nata per risolvere un problema enorme per i cineasti e i cinefili albanesi, l’impossibilità, stante il restrittivo regime dei visti, di andare ai festival
cinematografici, è cresciuta anno dopo anno, guadagnandosi le simpatie di grandi
registi come Ken Loach o Goran Paskaljevic e una forse inattesa credibilità internazionale: per l’edizione di quest’anno ben 850 cortometraggi da 65 paesi del mondo sono stati presentati alla selezione. Ne sono stati scelti 105 per le diverse
sezioni, fiction, documentario, animazione e sperimentale.
Ilir Butka, che lo ha ideato nel 2003 e da allora lo dirige, ha quest’anno un grossissimo problema in più: il nuovo ministro della cultura Yilli Pango ha inaspettatamente tagliato i fondi alla manifestazione.
«E’ un colpo durissimo, fino all’anno scorso il ministero ci garantiva gratuitamente
l’uso dell’unica sala cinematografica di Tirana (un’altra entrerà in funzione nei
prossimi mesi, N.d.R.)e ci dava una mano per l’ospitalità.
Quest’anno dovremo pagare ma ce la faremo lo stesso: per fortuna il Centro Nazionale di Cinematografia non ci ha voltato le spalle e siamo alla ricerca di qualche sponsor. Sempre che la petizione di protesta che abbiamo lanciato sul web non convinca Pango a fare marcia indietro».
Spiccano nell’elenco le firme di Moritz de Hadeln, ex direttore dei festival di Berlino e di Venezia, e quella di Gianni Amelio, atteso a Tirana per quello che dovrebbe essere l’evento dell’edizione 2007. Butka ha incontrato Amelio l’estate scorsa al Brindisi International Film Festival e prontamente lo ha invitato per dedicargli una retrospettiva. Dalla quale non poteva mancare Lamerica, il film che nel 1994 il regista calabrese girò sull’Albania miserrima e senza speranze dei primi anni dopo il crollo del regime. Un film che allora fece molto discutere e che in Albania non piacque molto: troppo duro, troppo impietoso.
Chissà cosa ne diranno ora nei bei bar tra l’università e il lungofiume.
Luigi Quaranta
Corriere della Sera
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
LUCE Special Programme of TIFF 2003
coordinator Roland Sejko
Corrado D’Errico
- Ritmi di stazione (Railway Station Rhythms), 1933
Roberto Rossellini
- Fantasia sotto-marina (Fantasy under the Sea), 1940
Michelangelo Antonioni
- N.U. Nette-zza Urbana (Urban Sanitation), 1948
Dino Risi
- Buio in sala (Lights Down in the Cinema), 1950
Vittorio Scala
- Notturno (Nocturnal), 1950
Valerio Zurlini
- La stazione (The Railway Station), 1952
Francesco Maselli
- Fioriae (Flower Maids),1952
Giorgio Ferroni
- Confidenze di un gatto (Confidencies of a Cat),1953
Romolo Marcellini
- Appuntamento a Piazza di Spagna (Rendezvous at the Spanish Steps), 1954
Damiano Damiani
- Bambini soli (Children Alone), 1958
Federico Fellini
“Roma”, 1972
Istituto Luce, a company of the famous Cinecittà Holding, is one of Italy.s most important film companies known worldwide especially for its film archives dating from the beginnings of cinematography to the day. Since its foundation in 1924 to the present day Istituto Luce has played a key role in the history of Italian and international cinema. Its primary goal was to spread culture and knowledge Soon Luce introduced the first sound films in Europe and took up the production of the greatest films of the period paving the way to the opening of Cinecittà that would later be known worldwide as the Hollywood on the Tiber.. Thousands of hours of film archives produced or acquired in the course of the years have made Luce.s archives one the most important in Europe and in the world. Instituto Luce is the first and the only that has brought in the Albanians memory the wedding of the King Ahmet Zog with Geraldine. An anticipatory consideration of the new technologies made Luce be the first film company in the world to offer most of its archives on the Internet for free viewing. Besides its archives, Istituto Luce has represented over the years
the most important film producers and distributors in Italy. Today Luce distributes more than 40 Italian or international films annually in theatres or Home Video.
In T.I.F.F. .03 “A story of a city, ” to quote Fellini. In Roma, Fellini strings together a series of images of Rome, and through his eyes this special city becomes a living, breathing organism. Roma is quite possibly Fellini’s most avowedly autobiographical film to date - a loving document of his own personal encounter with Rome. Starring Fiona Florence, Britta Barnes, Pia de Doses, Marne Maitland and Peter Gonzales as Fellini at 18. Italian with English subtitles.
Valerio Zurlini
The Railway Station /Showtime: 10 min, 47 sec
Termini railway station is the point where many people of different languages and dialects meet and are exchanged with each other. But, in some way it is also a place to rest. Here, we see man the way it is, vulnerable in his exhaustion and simplicity.
Vitorio Scala
Everything in the film happens during one night, which starts with noise of a clock and ends up with a man who puts in order his
Damiano Damiani
Children Alone / Showtime: 10 minutes
The film deals with the fantasies and games of a child living in a city and who is obliged to pass a lot of time being alone
Roberto Rosselini
Fantasy under the Sea / Showtime: 10 min and 16 sec
It is a short love and adventure story in the world of fishes, to whom the fantasy of the director has attributed human qualities, feelings and passions.
Corrado D’Errico
Railway Station Rhythm / Showtime: 8 min and 21 sec.
It is a film realized in 1933 that depicts a day in the “iron world”, which is nothing else rather than a railway station. The tone used in it is soft and at times ironic, becoming even comic, while the director is in search of repetitive effects that areintermingled with the mechanism of human behavior.
Romolo Marcelini
Rendezvous in Piaza d’Espagna
This documentary film illustrates the mundane and intellectual atmosphere revailing in Piazza d’Espagnain a day. During this time one sees in front of him the life of all inhabitants of this square, starting from the shoe-polishers, and going on with painters, poets, actors, religious people, designers, photographers and others.
Francesco Maselli
Flower Maids / Showtime: 11 min
The film deals with a tiresome working day of some flower maids who move from the most popular to the city’s suburbs and at times they stop in Villa Borghese where they offer violets to people passing by.
Dino Risi
Lights Down in the Cinema / Showtime: 10 min. 32 sec
This is a short film depicting different human types
Giorgio Ferroni
Confidences of a Cat / Showtime: 9 min and 36 sec.
Seemingly, cats as well have a world of their own. It looks like the director of the film Giorgio Ferroni wants to penetrate and present to the public this mystic and intriguing world in details.
Michelangelo Antonioni
Presents:N.U. / Showtime: 11 min.
The director brings images from the city of Rome in 1948, the Capital of a country just emerged from the World War II and its remains have not yet been removed from its streets.
Federico Fellini
“Roma”, 1972
One of Spain's hottest directors of the 1990s, Montxo Armendáriz directed the internationally acclaimed Secretos del Corazon, Silencio rotto, Obaba. Born in Navarra on 1949, before becoming a filmmaker, Armendáriz studied electronics in Pamplona. He started out making three short Basque films, and in 1984, made his feature film debut with Tasio (1984). Ranked among New Spanish cinema's more liberal filmmakers, Armendáriz's films frequently
Synopses OBABA
Lurdes, scarcely 25 years old, begins on a trip towards Obaba’s territories.
She is carrying a small video camera in her luggage. She wants to catch Obaba reality, its world and its people. She wants to catch the present, and show it the way it is. But Obaba is not the place that Lurdes had imagined, and she discovers that the people who live there, like Merche, Ismael o Tomás, are trapped in a past that they can not –or they do not want to- escape from.
San Sebastian International Film Festival, Opening
Toronto International Film Festival, Masters Section
Ten nominations to the Annual Spanish Academy Film Awards (Goyas)
Autumn 1944, 21-year-old Lucia returns to the small mountain village where her parents live. The town is split between Franco’s fascist supporters and the Republicans. Lucia falls in love with Manuel, a young blacksmith who supports the Maquis, guerrilla warriors hidden in the mountains, who do not accept Franco’s triumph. Manuel flees the village to join them, and Lucia discovers the harsh reality as silence, horror and fear populate the village’s empty streets.
Butaca Awards: Butaca for Best Catalan Film Actress
Cinema Writers Circle Awards, Spain: CEC Award for Best Supporting Actress
Mons International Festival of Love Films: C.I.C.A.E. Award
Nantes Spanish Film Festival: Jules Verne Award
Toulouse Cinespaña: Prix du Jury des Lecteurs de 'La dépêche du midi' for Best Film, Best Film
Nominated for an Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film, SECRETS OF THE HEART (SECRETOS DEL CORAZON) is an elegant and poignant tale of the mysterious and magical adult world as seen through the eyes of Javi, a nine-year-old child, growing up in a small provincial town in the 1960s.
Javi believes he can hear the voices of the dead and that they whisper to him their secrets, which were left unspoken in life. At his mother's house in the mountains, he is fascinated by the room in which his father died and which his mother carefully keeps locked. But, Javi also learns that the living have their secrets as well.
Nominated for the Academy Awards, USA: Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film
Winner of Berlin International Film Festival: Blue Angel
Chicago International Film Festival: Audience Choice Award Goya Awards: Goya for Best Supporting Actress (Mejor Actriz de Reparto), Best Production Design (Mejor Dirección Artística), Best Sound (Mejor Sonido), Best New Actor (Mejor Actor Revelación)
Goran Paskaljevic studied at the well-known Prague school of cinema (FAMU). He has made 30 documentaries and 14 feature films, shown and acclaimed at the most prestigious international film festivals (Cannes, Berlin, Venice, Toronto and San Sebastian…). The rise of nationalism in Yugoslavia forced him to leave his country in 1992. In 1998 he went back to make The Powder Keg (aka Cabaret Balkan in the USA) which won international critic's prizes at the Venice Film Festival and the European Film Awards. In 2001, the Variety International Film Guide marks him as one of the top five directors of the year. His latest film Midwinter Night's Dream (2004) exploring the post-war Serbia won the Grand Jury Prize at the San Sebastian Film Festival.
The Museum of Modern Art in New-York (MoMA) will present a full retrospective of his work at the end of next year.
The five stories in THE OPTIMISTS are inspired by Voltaire’s famous satirical novel Candide and its motto: “Optimism is insisting everything is good, when everything is bad.” The setting is present day, post-Milosevic Serbia. Painted with black humour, these stories reflect a time filled with hope and despair, real optimism and false; a time when fiction and reality co-exist side by side, and when many people fish in the troubled waters of lost illusions.
The acclaimed actor Lazar Ristovski (“Underground”, “The Powder Keg” aka “Cabaret Balkan” in the USA, “Midwinter Night’s Dream”) takes a role in each of the five stories.
Best Film Valladolid Film Festival
Best actor winner Lazar Ristovski
Audience Award for the best film
Geneva Film Festival - Best Director
FIPRESCI Award for the best film
Toronto – Masters – World Premiere
Caveh Zahedi was born in 1960 in Washington D.C. Zahedi is the director of the American independent features A LITTLE STIFF and I DON'T HATE LAS VEGAS ANYMORE . Zahedi appears in all of his own films, and has also acted in other directors' films. He is familiar to film fans as "Peter" in CITIZEN RUTH, and as "Caveh" in the 2000 Sundance Film Festival hit romantic comedy A SIGN FROM GOD, (which he also co-wrote and edited).
Synopses of I am a sex addict
Winner of the Gotham Award for “Best Film Not Playing at a Theater Near You,” I AM A SEX ADDICT is the transgressive new comedy from autobiographical filmmaker Caveh Zahedi On the eve of his third marriage, Caveh tells the story of how his attraction to prostitutes and his compulsive honesty combined to destroy each of his past relationships. The genre-bending mix of camera address, re-enactment, and home movie footage make for a strikingly funny and original film.
A sign from god
Greg Watkins' romantic black comedy A Sign from God depicts a semi-fictionalized day in the life of independent filmmaker Caveh Zahedi and his girlfriend Laura as they struggle with a series of challenges and accidents while desperately seeking a sign from God about the future of their troubled relationship. Laura's increasingly pessimistic attitude - she perceives that the cascading negative events of their lives portend a negative "sign" about the relationship - is offset by Caveh's serene and abiding faith that everything happens for a reason...
"By turns sweet, quirky, comical, and exhausting, A Sign from God stretches the tired conventions of the romantic comedy like few films I've seen."
Merle Bertrand, FILM THREAT
Special Program
A l e k s a n d a r M a n i c
After studying at the Philosophical Faculty of the Cologne University, he moved to Prague to attend FAMU, the renowned film and TV academy. There he directed a short called Astropolitan, which premiered at the International Belgrade Film Festival and earned Mani success early in his career. While working as a translator for Emir Kusturica's Underground, he agreed to shoot a documentary on Kusturica called Shooting Days, which has won critical acclaim and has been distributed in many countries.
In the Balkan town of Shutka, the Romani (Gypsy) population is thriving and everyone is considered a champion at something, be it boxing or grave robbing. Aleksander Manic's The Shutka Book of Records gives us a walking tour of this vibrant community, and along the way, we meet some of the colorful ""champions."", champion vampire hunter and champion love maker ""When a child is born in Roma, it cries in melody."" Adults are liable to do the same after meeting all the strange and endearing characters in
Woody Allen (born Allan Stewart Konigsberg on December 1, 1935) is a three-time Academy Award-winning American film director, writer, actor, musician, and comedian.
His large body of work and cerebral film style have made him one of the most widely respected and prolific filmmakers in the modern era. Allen writes and directs his movies and has also acted in the majority of them. For inspiration, Allen draws heavily on literature, philosophy, psychology, European cinema and, most important, New York City, where he was born and in which he has lived all his life.
Romantic adventures of neurotic New York comedian Alvy Singer and his equally neurotic girlfriend Annie Hall. The film traces the course of their relationship from their first meeting, and serves as an interesting historical document about love in the 1970s.
“Even as a kid I always went for the wrong women, when we went to see Snow White, everyone fell in love with Snow White, I immediately fell for the wicked queen.”
Annie Hall won the Oscar for being the best movie 1977. Allen also won the Oscar for the best direction. At the ceremony, he didn’t show up to accept the statue. The media found out that he was playing the clarinet at the Michels’ that evening, as on all Monday evenings for decades. The explanation he gave in an interview, was that he felt competing in arts, rediculous. Annie Hall (1977)
Selected by Karolina Lidin
NORWAY Eivind Tolås
Love is the law
Eivind Tolås The short film 'Love is the Law' by Eivind Tolås has been selected for Semaine Internationale de la Critique in Cannes. The film is based on a poem by Ole Mads Vevle and produced by Lars Løge for Flimmer Film AS. Short Film, 6min
Love is the law
DANMARK Max Kestner
Max by Chance
This is the story of Max, the director's own story, playfully animated within the realms of documentary. Max's story traces back several generations to sailers, industrialists and Summer of Love hippies - everyone depicted with whole-hearted love and equal amounts of irony. But there is something more at stake here, something larger than the biographical filmic note of a single man. The film embraces with vulnerable playfulness life's many coincidences and grapples with questions such as genetics, destiny and family patterns.
Max by Chance
SWEDEN Lisa Munthe
The parasite
Niklas is a truck driver in a chipboard factory in a small community in northern Sweden
The parasite
DANMARK Kassandra Wellendorf
Close examines a series of situations between bodies that reach out for each other. How close can you get? And can you ever get close enough? The form is experimental and depicts the meeting of bodies in unusual close-ups that bypass the typical pornographic exhibition of naked bodies. The result is a picture ballet that accommodates beauty as well as claustrophobic terror in its presentation of feelings like fear, intimacy and distance.
SWEDEN Johan Brisinger
Passing heart
Berlin Film Festival, Audience award Panorama section
Aspen Film Festival, Audience award & best cinematography
The poignant meeting between a young man and the family whose late son saved his life.
Passing heart
DANMARK Jacob Tschernia
2 Minutes
The best way to find out who you are is to test your own limits - to do the utmost of your ability. That is the theme of this short psychological thriller. A boy lies in a bathtub, holding his breath. He is trying to break his personal record - 2 minutes.
2 Minutes
NORWAY Frederikke Aspöck
Happy Now
"Happy Now" is a bittersweet story about wanting to be seen as an individual. A typical American family goes to the beach. Their seemingly perfect life is turned upside-down when the mother Carol, who has long felt overlooked in her marriage, kisses a lifeguard and is caught by her husband.
Happy Now
NORWAY Pioter Sapegin
Sapegin films has won more than 20 national and international awards.
Don't cry for me, I'm already dead (Non piangete per me, sono già morto.)
NORWAY Therese Jacobsen
compete for the prestigious awards in Toronto. 2003 • 4’30
Film Critics' Award Norwegian Short Film Festival in Grimstad ,Jameson Short Film Award 2003.
(Documentary Film)
Michael Regan
Cadillac Man: Life Under The Viaduct is a documentary about a homeless veteran who has lived on the streets of New York for the past eleven years.
With interviews from friends, neighbors and passers-by we get an idea of what life on the streets of New York is like for him.
As his story unfolds we learn that Cadillac Man has a hidden talent that may help to propel him out of his homeless situation and into the mainstream of society. Michael Regan studied acting at the famed Lee Strasberg Theater Institute for several years. He also studied at the Stella Adler Conservatory.
He began his acting career in the mid nineties and has appeared in several films including Revolution, El Septimo Cielo and Molotov Samba.
Michael is making his directorial debut with "Cadillac Man: Life Under The Viaduct with the producer Luan Bexheti.